Thursday, January 20, 2011

Morons on Parade

     By now everyone has seen the video of the woman in the mall walking and texting then falling into the fountain.  The woman was found and interviewed by the news to get her side of what had happened and in the interview said that she didn't know why it was such a big deal, all she did was fall.  Really?  Right off the top of my head I can think of several reasons it was a big deal.
     First, YOU WALKED INTO AND FELL INTO A FOUNTAIN!  It wasn't like this was pitch black and in the middle of the night and some hoolagins snuck in ahead of you and placed a fountain in your path, it was day time and brighter than hell.  I think Mr. Magoo could have seen that fountain (bonus points for the kids who know who Mr. Magoo is).
     Second, you said you didn't know what the big deal was yet you and your husband have already retained a lawyer to see what legal actions you can take.
     Third, if I were a betting man, which I am, I would bet that walking and texting aren't the only thing you do texting.  I couldn't imagine the damage you would cause if you drive and text because by looking at the video you can't even walk and text.
     I have seen some pretty moronic stuff people have done while driving.  Everything from texting to putting on make up, shaving and I even saw one woman eating a bowl of cereal.  I would think that if you can't master the art of walking you probably shouldn't try walking and texting. 
     This woman was upset because she thinks that security should have come to her aid, even though she immediately got out of the fountain, looked around to see if anyone saw her then took off, so unless she wanted them to follow her home I don't know what else they could have done. 
     People, if you don't want to become the laughing stock of the country then stop doing stupid things in public, then again forget what I just said and continue to do stupid things so we can continue to laugh at you.

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